Home School Communication

Week 8:  30th November to 4 December 2015:
School Reminders:
Please remember to check the school website and newsletter for other important school notices.
Readathon:  Well done to the members of room 20 who worked so hard at collecting sponsors, reading and returning their sponsorship money to school.  With your efforts you have helped the school to raise $17,500.  As well as rewarding the terrific readers of room 20 with a small shared lunch!  Well done to all that contributed!
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’  
Camp:   Please return the completed forms and the money to school ASAP.  We need these immediately as we cannot place students into the appropriate groups without them!
Book orders:  The final scholastic book order for the year is due in by the end of this week.
Sun Hats:  Sun hats must be worn as we are full swing summer term!  If your child is not in a school issue sun hat they will need to sit in the shade.  Also, do not forget the sunscreen!
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, more and more students are arriving unprepared!
MONDAY:  *tennis tuition for thirty minutes with an outside coach
*NEXT Monday 7 December is parent helpers morning tea, if you have helped out in any way at school this year, please come in.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day
*Library please remember to bring back all books; books will no longer be issued, please utilise the local Kumeu Library
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  camp meeting at 5.30pm in room 20 for all parent helpers.
FRIDAY:  *class swimming:  we only had 12 kids with togs, after reminders in class and on the HSC note!!!
*Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  
*Drum and Guitar Recital at school 4-6pm
*Kumeu Santa Parade
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   Sustainability.  We have designed our sustainability projects for the class / school / wider community.  We will be asking for helpers to help us create our sustainable items on Thursday.  Thursday and Friday of this week we hope to complete our projects.  Any parental help on Thursday would be greatly appreciated, we will be outside, building, digging, etc!
MATHS:   Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement questions all related to sustainability.
PE:  non stop cricket, tee ball and long ball, games of choice for summer sport!
READING:   In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability.  
WRITING:  We have been writing our speeches in preparation for speech competition on Tuesday.

Week 7:  
23rd to 27th November 2015:
School Reminders:
Please remember to check the school website and newsletter for other important school notices.
Readathon:  please return all sponsor forms and money raised to the school ASAP, the class with the most money wins a shared lunch!
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; ask your child what a ‘nude lunch’ is, we are covering this in class. 
Camp:   Please return the completed forms and the money to school ASAP.
Book orders:  The final scholastic book order for the year is due in by the end of week 8.
Sun Hats:  Sun hats must be worn as we are full swing summer term!  If your child is not in a school issue sun hat they will need to sit in the shade.  Also, do not forget the sunscreen!
Photo Orders:  Photo order forms have gone home, if you wish to order the photos please return them ASAP.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, more and more students are arriving unprepared!
MONDAY:  *tennis tuition for thirty minutes with an outside coach
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day
*Library please remember to bring back all books; books will no longer be issued, please utilise the local Kumeu Library
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
*team athletics rotations
THURSDAY:  junior athletics day, please come in your house tees.
FRIDAY:  *class swimming, after morning tea
*Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   Sustainability.  We have designed our sustainability projects for the class / school / wider community.  We will be asking for helpers to help us create our sustainable items.  Tuesday we are bringing our project materials in to ensure we have them all.  Friday we will begin to put them together, next Thursday and Friday (week 8) we hope to complete them.  If you are able to access any old pallets or waratah posts, we would love to have them for our compost bins and worm farms.  They can be dropped off behind the school pool by the garden.
MATHS:   Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement questions all related to sustainability.
PE:  Athletics is coming up on Thursday, see newsletter for more details.  
READING:   In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability.  
SPELLING:   Revise essential word lists and commonly misspelt words.  Spelling tests have begun!!
WRITING:  We have been writing our speeches in preparation for speech competition, Tuesday week 8.

Week 6:  16th to 20th November 2015:
School Reminders:
Please remember to check the school website and newsletter for other important school notices.
Readathon:  A message from Mrs Lochie: “All student sponsorship money is due in by Thursday.  We are hoping to be able to announce the big prize winners on Friday at assembly.  The top earner who has brought their money in will get a prize as well.  Class prize - shared lunch - for the class with the highest average amount per student.”
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; ask your child what a ‘nude lunch’ is, we are covering this in class.  What can we do to help our environment???
Camp:   Please return the completed forms and the money to school ASAP.
Book orders:  The final scholastic book order for the year is due in by the end of week 8.
Sun Hats:  must be worn as we are full swing summer term!  Also, do not forget the sunscreen!
Photo Orders:  photo order forms have gone home, if you wish to order the photos please return them ASAP.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, more and more students are arriving unprepared!
MONDAY:  *tennis tuition for thirty minutes with an outside coach
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day
*Library please remember to bring back all books; books will no longer be issued, please utilise the local Kumeu Library
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain, wear your funky pants with your proper school shirt.
*team athletics rotations
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   Sustainability.  We have begun to design our sustainability project for the class / school / wider community.  We will be asking for helpers to help us create our sustainable items, watch this space.  If you are able to access any old pallets or waratah posts, we would love to have them.
MATHS:   Gloss maths tests will continue this week.  Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement, measuring length and width, perimeter and area questions all related to sustainability.
PE:  Athletics is coming up, week 7 and we are practicing all disciplines.
READING:   In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability.  Reading testing is taking place in class.  
SPELLING:   Revise essential word lists and commonly misspelt words.  Spelling tests have begun!!

WRITING:  We have been writing our speeches in preparation for speech competition in week 7.

Week 5:  9th to 13th November 2015:
School Reminders:
Read-a-thon money is due in to class teacher ASAP.
Please remember to check the school website and newsletter for other important school notices.
Class Photos:  Monday 9th November (TOMORROW)
Readathon:  A message from Mrs Lochie:  “Thank you for all your support with the Readathon over the last four weeks.  We now want to get all money in by the Thursday of Week 6 so that we can present the major prizes at assembly on the Friday of that week.   All money is to go through the class teacher and not to be handed in directly to the office as class teachers need to keep a record of who’s paid what and how much each class has brought in for the class prize.  Reminder again:  The top earner in each class will receive a prize and the top three earners in Yrs 1-3 and 4-8 will receive the Noel Leeming vouchers.  The class with the highest average amount earned per student will receive the shared lunch prize.”
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; ask your child what a ‘nude lunch’ is, we are covering this in class.  What can we do to help our environment???
Camp:    If you wish to make payments for camp, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Book orders:  scholastic book orders are due in by the end of week 5.
Community Meeting:  Wednesday 11 November 645 in the hall
SUN HATS:  must be worn as we are full swing summer term!  Also, do not forget the sunscreen!
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY:  *tennis tuition for thirty minutes with an outside coach
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
*team athletics rotations
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   Sustainability.  We will begin to design our sustainability project for the class / school / wider community.  We will be asking for helpers to help us create our sustainable items.  Also, please collect any used strawberry, tomato or sprout punnets.  We will be using these in week 5.
MATHS:   Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement, measuring length and width, perimeter and area questions all related to sustainability.  Please ensure your child has a ruler at school.  Please revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   
PE:  Athletics is coming up, week 7 and we are practicing all disciplines.
READING:   In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability.  Reading testing is taking place in class.  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  
SPELLING:   Revise essential word lists and commonly misspelt words.  Spelling tests are coming up. It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  We will continue on with our learning of suffix rules.
Te Ao Maori:  Students have learnt a class Karakia to begin each day with, ask them to share this with you.  

WRITING:  We are learning about persuasive writing in preparation for the class speeches in week 7.

Week 4:  2nd to 6th November 2015:
School Reminders:
Well Done to the ABs!!!
Thanks to everyone who came out to make the school look terrific for our kids!  A little hard work can do amazing things!
Please remember to check the school website and newsletter for other important school notices.
SUNHATS: must be worn!!!
Readathon:  Read! Read! Read!  Forty hours of reading by the end of the week!!!  Also, remember to get your sponsors.  Lots of great prizes to be won!
Book Character Mufti:  dress up like your favourite book character on Friday
School Community Meeting: next Wednesday 11 November 645pm in the hall
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
School Photos:  Monday 9th November
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; ask your child what a ‘nude lunch’ is, we are covering this in class.  
Camp:    If you wish to make payments for camp, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Scholastic Book Orders: due in next week
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain; remember your Wackiest Hat!!!
*team athletics rotations
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   This term we are learning about Sustainability.  We will begin to design our sustainability project for the school.  We may be asking for helpers to help us create our sustainable items.  Also, please collect any used strawberry, tomato or sprout punnets. We will be using these in week 5.
MATHS:   Please revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement, measuring length and width, perimeter and area questions all related to sustainability.  Please ensure your child has a ruler at school.
PE:  Athletics is coming up and we are practicing all disciplines.
READING:   Readathon is on!  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home and record it on the reading log sent home in week one.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability. Reading testing is taking place in class.
SPELLING:   Revise essential word lists and commonly misspelt words.  Spelling tests are coming up. It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  We will continue on with our learning of suffix rules.
Te Ao Maori:  Students have learnt a class Karakia to begin each day with, ask them to share this with you.  
WRITING:  We are learning about persuasive writing in preparation for the class speeches in week 6.  More detail to follow.

Week 3:  27th to 30th October 2015:
School Reminders:
Black Out Friday:  Wear your BLACK to support the All BLACKS this Friday.  Wear as much black as possible!!!
Working Bee:  This SATURDAY 31st October from 9am.  We are in need of as many of you that can lend a helping hand around the school this Saturday.  Remember, many hands make light work, keep our school looking terrific!
Readathon:  Read! Read! Read!  Forty hours of reading by the end of next week!!!  Also, remember to get your sponsors.  Lots of great prizes to be won!
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30, think about sustainability and reducing emissions.
Walking Wednesday Wacky Hat Day:  if you walk to school meet us at the domain for a walk to school in your wildest, wackiest hat!
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; ask your child what a ‘nude lunch’ is, we are covering this in class.
Camp:    If you wish to make payments for camp, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Parent Portal:  don’t forget to check out the Parent Portal, a link into what your kids are doing at school!  
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain; remember your Wackiest Hat!!!
*team athletics rotations
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
INQUIRY:   This term we are learning about Sustainability.  Over the past two weeks students have had the opportunity to rotate between five sustainability related sessions with different teachers, ask your child what they have learned so far.
MATHS:   Please revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   Problem solving will be focused around aspects of sustainability.  We will also be looking at measurement, measuring length and width of items around the class, leading into area questions.  Please ensure your child has a ruler at school.
PE:  Athletics is coming up and we are practicing all disciplines.
READING:   Readathon is on!  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home and record it on the reading log sent home in week one.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  In class reading will be linked to this terms inquiry topic of sustainability.
SPELLING:   Revise essential word lists and commonly misspelt words.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  We will continue on with our learning of suffix rules.
Te Ao Maori:  Students have learnt a class Karakia to begin each day with, ask them to share this with you.  
WRITING:  We are learning about persuasive writing in preparation for the class speeches in week 6.  More detail to follow.

Home School Communication Week 1, Term 4

We hope you all had a fantastic holiday. Welcome back!

  • Readathon: A reminder to get sponsors for the Readathon. We will be recording all our reading time on our reading mileage sheets. Please keep a record of any reading your child is doing at home as well. Each child have a sheet to record all their reading time shared with them through google docs tomorrow. So they can access this at school and home. It will be great for them to see their hours going up, to see that reaching 40 hours is achievable.
  • Variety Bash Mufti Day this Friday: This Friday 16 October we are lucky enough to have the Variety Bash coming to our school! We will be having an earlier lunch break on this day and from 1.15 - 2pm the children will assemble to watch the Bash.
  • To help support Variety we will be holding a gold coin mufti day on Friday and when Variety have finished at school we will present them with the mufti money we have collected. Variety The Children’s Charity support disabled, disadvantaged and sick children so we would like to try and raise as much as we can on our mufti day for them. (Please note there is no theme for the mufti day).
  • New Zealand Shake Out: at 9.15 this Thursday as part of the nation wide Shake Out initiative we will be participating in an earthquake drill.
  • Tuesday: reminder house colour and competition day. Support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA. Also, this is our library day please remember all library folders.
  • Wednesday: Walking Wednesday from the domain at 8.25. Let's all think about sustainability and make an effort to reduce some emissions!
  • Inquiry: our inquiry concept this term is around Sustainability. This week we will be exploring sustainability through looking at waste, our lunch boxes and 'nude' lunches and cause and effect of human actions. We will also be taking part in rotations with the year 1-4 classes in Te Henga and Piha teams: exploring issues such as conservation/guardianship, cutting flax, travel and leisure through a sustainability lens, natural resources, recycling a material and composting (worm farms and BOKASHI).
  • Writing: we will be exploring persuasive writing, and the language and visual features used to persuade. At first looking at advertising, and then persuading why we should have nude lunches.
  • Our reading this week is linked to Sustainability issues, and we will be researching facts, and information in order to answer any wonderings we have.
  • Spelling: we will be exploring suffixes and rules around adding these. We will also be continuing our learning around the many ways to write long vowel sounds and the rules for these. Keep practising your essential spelling words each night (these are available on our class blog homepage - click on the link).
  • Maths: keep practising at home addition and subtraction facts to 20, and multiplication and division facts. Also, refer to your child's individual maths goals on the sheets given at learning conferences. In class we will be continuing to solve problems linked to sustainability issues using addition and subtraction strategies. We will also be focusing on aspects of geometry.

Home School Communication Term 3

Week 9:  14th to 18th September 2015:
School Reminders:
Walking School Bus:  daily from the domain at 8.30
Rubbish Free School:  We are trying to promote ‘nude lunches’; this will help us as a lead into our sustainability unit for term 4.
Camp:  A camp letter will be sent out this week; please complete it and send or email it back by the end of term.   If you wish to make weekly payments, please do so.  The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Canteen Bandannas:  on sale for $5 outside room 5
Calendar Art:  don’t forget to order yours by this Friday, they look terrific!!!
Stardome Trip:  please pay the $12 into the office to cover the trip on Monday 21st September.  We are still awaiting a number of permission slips and money to be returned
Hockey Tuition:  please pay the $6 into the office to cover the 5 week in class tuition from North Harbour Hockey.
Activity Fees:  please pay these into the office if you have not paid the $60 at the beginning of the year.  We have had many activities and trips offered at school and out of school.  The activity fees cover these trips.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*Team Singing
*Hockey Tuition from North Harbour Hockey, please pay the $6 into the office if you have not already done so through school activity fees, we still have a number of unpaid fees.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  *tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*mufti day / bandanna day in support of canteen, gold coin donation.  Please support the cause.  :)
Weekly Learning:
ART:  We will be painting our 3D space art projects this week.
INQUIRY:   We have a trip to the Stardome planned for next week, Monday 21st September.
MATHS:   Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.
PE:  Our hockey tuition is on Mondays.  
READING:   Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  
SPELLING:   Please remind your child that it is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students have learnt a class Karakia to begin each day with, ask them to share this with you.  
WRITING:  We are researching and writing Space Reports on areas of space that fascinate us.

Week 8:  7th to 11th September 2015:
School Reminders:
Rubbish Free School:  We are experiencing high volumes of plastic and wrap waste at school. This has become a concern, we are therefore requesting that students put their waste back in their lunchbox and take it home with them.  Please read the attached memo from Kevin.
Canteen Bandannas:  on sale for $5 outside room 5; Bandanna Day is next Friday
Class and Individual Photos:  POSTPONED until 5 November, more details to follow.
Calendar Art:  don’t forget to order yours, they look terrific!!!
Stardome Trip:  please pay the $12 into the office to cover the trip on Monday 21st September.  We are still awaiting a number of permission slips and money to be returned
Hockey Tuition:  please pay the $6 into the office to cover the 5 week in class tuition from North Harbour Hockey.
Activity Fees:  please pay these into the office if you have not paid the $60 at the beginning of the year.  We have had many activities and trips offered at school and out of school.  The activity fees cover these trips.
Camp:  camp for the year 3/4 students will take place in December, costs and activities are being finalised. If you wish to make weekly payments, please do so. The office will record your payment against your child's name for future invoicing.
Weekly Reminders:
Everyday devices are still turning up at school not charged.  Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*Team Singing
*Hockey Tuition from North Harbour Hockey, please pay the $6 into the office if you have not already done so through school activity fees, we still have a number of unpaid fees.  A notice was sent out a few weeks ago through the school office regarding this.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
*odd shoe day, come on out in your wackiest, weirdest, odd shoes
THURSDAY:  *tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
Weekly Learning:
ART:  Thanks to everyone for your support with bringing in the recycled items for our 3D projects, they are going to look fantastic.  This week we will be completing our paper mache on Friday.  Any newspaper ripped into strips would be greatly appreciated.   Any parents who would like to help with paper mache on Friday from 10-11 or 1130 -1230, we would love your assistance!  Email Traci if you can make it in to help.  Thanks.
What amazing artists we have in room 20!  Students have been working on calendar art, don’t forget to purchase a few, great Christmas presents!  INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Space Exploration.  We have been researching about different space related topics to find the answers through our integrated learning.   We will be using this learning to help us plan our final wonderings and projects.  We have a trip to the Stardome planned for the last week of term, Monday 21st September.
MATHS:  Please refer to the learning sheets given to you at student led conferences, students have also set goals to work on.   We have been working on fractions, multiplication properties and some new word problem strategies.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.
PE:  Our hockey tuition is on Mondays.  If you have not paid the activity fee, please pay $6 for the hockey PE tuition at the office ASAP.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Thursdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
READING:  Reading will be centered around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the article or story (summarise) into their own words.  Ask them to show you some of the reading online we have been doing in class.  Epic Books or Sunshine Online.
SPELLING:  We have been looking at contractions, digraphs, and blends, ask your child to tell you about these.     Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older essential spelling lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  At our team assemblies we have also been learning new Waiata to sing with our team.  
WRITING:  We are researching and writing Space Reports on areas of space that fascinate us.  We are continuing to work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.

31st August to 4th September 2015:  Week 7: Term 3:
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the student led conferences on Thursday. It is wonderful to be a part of such a dynamic group of kids, and parents!
School Reminders:
Rubbish Free School:  We are experiencing high volumes of plastic and wrap waste at school. This has become a concern, we are therefore requesting that students put their waste back in their lunchbox and take it home with them.  Please read the attached memo from Kevin.
Class and Individual Photos:  POSTPONED until 5 November, more details to follow.
Strike Performance:  tomorrow afternoon 2-3pm in hall.  If you have not paid your child’s activity fee please send $5 to cover the cost to the office ASAP.  A notice went out via email from the office last week!
Calendar Art:  don’t forget to order yours, they look terrific!!!
Hockey Tuition:  please pay the $6 into the office to cover the 5 week in class tuition from North Harbour Hockey.
Weekly Reminders:
Everyday devices are still turning up at school not charged.  Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*Team Singing
*Hockey Tuition from North Harbour Hockey, please pay the $6 into the office if you have not already done so through school activity fees, we still have a number of unpaid fees.  A notice was sent out a few weeks ago through the school office regarding this.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
*Strike Performance at 2pm
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  *Tackle and Rippa teams out
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
Weekly Learning:
ART:  What amazing artists we have in room 20!  Students have been working on calendar art, don’t forget to purchase a few, great Christmas presents!  3D art projects are beginning this week. Students have been asked over the past three weeks to collect as many recycled items at home that they could use to help create:  a rocket, spaceship, alien, astronaut or any other space related object.  Please have them keep these items in a box at home until required Thursday week 7 (this week).
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Space Exploration.  We have been researching about different space related topics to find the answers through our integrated learning.  We have a trip to the Stardome planned for the last week of term, Monday 21st September.
MATHS:  Please refer to the learning sheets given to you at student led conferences last week, students have also set goals to work on.   We have been working on fractions, multiplication properties and some new word problem strategies.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.
PE:  We have begun our hockey tuition on Mondays.  If you have not paid the activity fee, please pay $6 for the hockey PE tuition at the office ASAP.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Thursdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
READING:  Reading will be centred around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night from a book of their choice at home.  Even reading a news article off the internet is great!  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the article or story (summarise) into their own words.  Ask them to show you some of the reading online we have been doing in class.  Epic Books or Sunshine Online.
SPELLING:  We have been looking at contractions, digraphs, and blends, ask your child to tell you about these.   Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  At our team assemblies we have also been learning new Waiata to sing with our team.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week and months of the year, as well as various classroom greetings and instructions.

WRITING:  We are beginning to research and write Space Reports on areas of space that fascinate us.  We are continuing to work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.  Don’t forget to look at the BLOG to see our writing from the past few weeks.

Earth from Space | by NASA

August 2015:  Week 6
School Reminders:
Student Led Conferences:  this Thursday.   School finishes at 12.00, please make arrangements for your child.   Don’t forget to book.   Please check school newsletter for more details.
Rubbish Free School:  We are experiencing high volumes of plastic and wrap waste at school. This has become a concern, we are therefore requesting that students put their waste back in their lunchbox and take it home with them.  Please read the attached memo from Kevin.
Class and Individual Photos:  POSTPONED until 5 November, more details to follow.
Weekly Reminders:
Everyday devices are still turning up at school not charged.  Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*Team Singing
*Hockey Tuition from North Harbour Hockey, please pay the $6 into the office if you have not already done so through school activity fees.
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  *school finishes at noon, please make arrangements for your child
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
Weekly Learning:
ART:  Students are beginning to plan for their 3D art project.  They will be required to collect as many recycled items at home that they could use to help create:  a rocket, spaceship, alien, astronaut or any other space related object.  Please have them keep these items in a box at home until required in week 7 (next week).
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Space Exploration.  We have been researching about different space related topics to find the answers through our integrated learning.  We have a trip to the Stardome planned for the last week of term, Monday 21st September.
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term.   We have been working on fractions, doubling and halving, equal sharing and some new multiplication properties.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.
PE:  We have begun our hockey tuition on Mondays.  If you have not paid the activity fee, please pay $6 for the hockey PE tuition at the office ASAP.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Thursdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing  
READING:  Reading will be centered around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night.  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) into their own words.  Ask them to show you some of the reading online we have been doing in class.
SPELLING:  Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week and months of the year, as well as various classroom greetings and instructions.
WRITING:  We are continuing to work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.  Don’t forget to look at the BLOG to see our writing from the past few weeks.

Week 5: August 2015
School Reminders:
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
Class and Individual Photos:  POSTPONED until further notice
School Cross Country:  this Friday:  Year 3s and 4s:  1245pm - 150pm.   Please check school newsletter for more details.
School Uniform Standards:  please ensure your child is in proper school uniform at all times.  If you have lost any items please check the lost property in Mr Wright’s shed.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *music with Renee
*Team Singing
TUESDAY: *House Colour Day:  support your house and wear a t-shirt from the PTA, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  *tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*school cross country, please look at last weeks newsletter for any details you may have missed.
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
Weekly Learning:
READING:  Reading over the next few weeks will be centered around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night.  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) into their own words.  Ask them to show some of the reading online we have been doing in class
WRITING:  We are continuing to work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.  Don’t forget to look at the BLOG to see our writing from the past few weeks.
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term.   We have been working on fractions, doubling and halving and equal sharing.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   The school website has a link to basic facts areas as does our other links page on the blog.
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Space Exploration.  We have been researching about different space topics to find the answers through our integrated learning.  We have a trip to the Stardome planned for the last week of term, more details will follow.
ART:  Students will be beginning to plan for their 3D art project.  They will be required to collect as many recycled items at home that they could use to help create:  a rocket, spaceship, alien, astronaut or any other space related object.  Please have them keep these item s in a box at home until required in week 7.
PE:  We have begun to prepare for the school cross country, this Friday, as well as continuing on with winter sports.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Thursdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
SPELLING:  Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.

Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week and months of the year, as well as various classroom greetings and instructions.

Original (423 × 423)
Week 4:
This week we have ERO visiting our school, and we also have our terrific Cultural Evening, do not forget to buy your tickets.  Have a super week!
School Reminders:
Cultural Performance Matinee:  Tuesday 11th August 130-3pm, in the school hall, tickets must be purchased in advance.
Cultural Evening:  Wednesday evening 12th August 630-8pm, in the school hall, tickets must be purchased in advance.
Scholastic Book Orders are due back into BORIS by the end of the week.  Books we be delivered week 5.
Class and Individual Photos:  Tuesday 18th August
School Uniform Standards:  please ensure your child is in proper school uniform at all times.  If you have lost any items please check the lost property in Mr Wright’s shed.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *Powhiri in hall at 9am to welcome new students and the visitors to our school.
*music with Renee
*Team Singing
TUESDAY:  *Cultural Performance Matinee 130pm in the hall, tickets available
*House competitions;  only house tees are permitted, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
*cultural evening 630pm
THURSDAY:  *tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly
*tackle lunch time for any students with a change of clothing on the rugby field after SDET
Weekly Learning:
READING:  Reading over the next few weeks will be centered around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night.  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) into their own words.
WRITING:  We are continuing to work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write in order to paint a picture in the reader’s mind by showing, not telling.
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term.   We have been working on fractions, doubling and halving and equal sharing.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   The school website has a link to basic facts areas as does our other links page on the blog.
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Space Exploration.  We have begun to ask questions and find the answers through our integrated learning.  We have a trip to the Stardome planned for the last week of term, more details will follow.
ART:  Students will be beginning to plan for their 3D art project.  They will be required to collect as many recycled items at home that they could use to help create:  a rocket, spaceship, alien, astronaut or any other space related object.
PE:  We have begun to prepare for the school cross country as well as continuing on with winter sports.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Thursdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
SPELLING:  Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week and months of the year.

Week 3:
Have a super week!
School Reminders:
Cultural Evening:  next Wednesday evening 12th August, in the school hall, gold coin donation.
School Uniform Standards:  please ensure your child is in proper school uniform at all times.  If you have lost any items please check the lost property in Mr Wright’s shed.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Scholastic Book Orders are due back into BORIS Week 4, this is when the last order for issue 5 will be placed.
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *Team Singing
TUESDAY:  *House competitions;  only house tees are permitted, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons; School Assembly
Weekly Learning:
READING:  Reading over the next few weeks will be centered around our inquiry topic of Space and Space Exploration.  Please ensure your child reads every night. Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) into their own words.
WRITING:  We will begin work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write to paint a picture in the reader’s head by showing not telling.
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term. Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   The school website has a link to basic facts areas as does our other links page on the blog.
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Exploration. We have begun to ask questions and find the answers through our integrated learning.
PE:  We have begun to prepare for the school cross country as well as continuing on with winter sports.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Wednesdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
SPELLING:  Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  Last week was Maori Language Week, we have learnt some new words and have been linking them with our studies.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week.

Week 2:
This week is Maori Language Week.  We will be having an integrated study with this focus throughout the week.
School Reminders:
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
School Uniform Standards:  please ensure your child is in proper school uniform at all times.  If you have lost any items please check the lost property in Mr Wright’s shed.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Scholastic Book Orders are due back into BORIS Week 4.

Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *Team Singing
TUESDAY:  *House competitions;  only house tees are permitted, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
*Library please remember to bring back any overdue books
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  please can students bring in a picture or email one to themselves via the school email address of a special place they went in the school holidays
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly

Weekly learning:
SPELLING:  Don’t forget to revise the Essential Spelling Lists from the end of last term.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists as well.  It is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term. Students will be working through a technology challenge encompassing maths and inquiry, along with a
Maori Language focus on numbers throughout the week. Students will begin looking at fractions of a whole this week.  Please remember to revise Add/Sub and Mult/Div basic facts.   The school website has a link to basic facts areas as does our other links page on the blog.  
WRITING:  We will begin work on more descriptive writing, linking it into our inquiry topic of space and space exploration.  We are aiming to get the students to write to paint a picture in the reader’s head by showing not telling. For Thursday and Friday can students please bring in a picture of a special place they went to over the school holidays.
READING:  Reading this week will be centred around Maori Language Week.  Please ensure your child reads every night.  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) into their own words.
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Exploration.
PE:  We have begun to prepare for the school cross country as well as continuing on with winter sports.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Tuesdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  This week is Maori Language Week, we will be linking this to our studies in all areas.  We have been learning to write the long date in Maori and have looked at the days of the week.

Welcome back to a fun filled and busy term 3.  We hope you have all had an enjoyable school holidays.

School Reminders:
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
A Community School Survey will be emailed out early in the week.  It is important for the direction of the school that you please take the time to complete the survey and return it back to school by this Friday, 24th July.
School Uniform Standards:  please ensure your child is in proper school uniform at all times.  If you have lost any items please check the lost property in Mr Wright’s shed.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school that day, we also have a 24hr absentee phone line which parents can leave a message (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Scholastic Book Orders are due back by Week 4.

Weekly Reminders:
Please ensure your child’s device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
MONDAY: *Team Singing
TUESDAY:  *House competitions;  only house tees are permitted, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
WEDNESDAY:  * walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
FRIDAY:  *Jump Jam;  Kapa Haka;  Choir;  Music Lessons;  School Assembly

Weekly Learning:
SPELLING:  Students were tested on their Essential Spelling Lists the end of last term, all students were given hard copies of new lists to learn for this term.   Please remember to look at the class blog and to revise older lists, as it is very important that all of the essential spelling words are being used properly throughout everyday writing.  
MATHS:  Students have set goals to work on this term.  based on testing from the end of last term.  We are moving onto a technology challenge encompassing maths and inquiry, creating a kite.  We will continue on with Add/Sub and Mult/Div strategy focuses, tieing them in with word problems and strand learning.
WRITING:  Matariki Myths and Legends will continue in writing.  Once written we will be sharing these with the class.
READING:  Please ensure your child reads every night.  Ask them questions to get them thinking about what they have read and to retell the story (summarise) it into their own words.
INQUIRY:  Our topic for this term is Space and Exploration, we will begin to discuss the topic this week to find out what the students are interested in.
PE:  We will continue to work on winter sports, as well as beginning to prepare for the school cross country.  If students wish to join in the tackle games at lunch on Tuesdays or Fridays they must have a complete change of clothing.
Te Ao Maori:  Students are learning a class Karakia to begin each day with.  We will also focus on the days of the week and months of the year.

Don’t forget to look back at last terms HSC notices for useful website links.

Home School Communication:
Term 2:  Week 11:  29th June to 3rd July 2015
Have a great two week holiday!
Weekly Reminders:
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
MONDAY:  team singing, later in term three we will share our learning
TUESDAY:  ALL library books must be returned to school.  House competitions;  only house tees are permitted, you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday 8.25am at the domain
THURSDAY:  Rube Goldburg Design Science Inquiry in Room 20, make sure you have all of your necessary items.
FRIDAY:  Reports sent home to parents via email.  Jr Kapa Haka 930am;  Jr. choir 10am;  music lessons at designated times;  whole school assembly from 215pm
Other Important Things to Remember:  
Please ensure your device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
UNIFORM STANDARDS: (as printed in newsletters):  
These reminders / changes came into effect Monday 15th June.  
If you have any questions or concerns please see Kevin, Barbara or Jilleen.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school that day, we also have a 24hr absentee phone line which parents can leave a message (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
Our Learning Environment:
Independent Learning:  Over the past few weeks students have had a more independent learning approach to follow up activities when they have not been involved in lesson workshops.  They have had to manage their learning and be accountable for their progress using a shared document linked to others in the class and the teachers.  This has been a great step for independence and learning for all students.
Inquiry (Forces and Motion):  What makes things go?  We have explored the forces which make things go through science investigations.  This week we will be completing our own wonderings and investigations ending with a Rube Goldburg Machine we have designed.  Please ask your child about the machine they are designing and what materials they may require from home for their investigation.
Reading: Reading this week will focus around Matariki and on the reciprocal reading strategies of:  predicting, clarifying, questioning, summarising, or being the ‘boss’ of the group and leading the reading.
Writing:  Focusing on Matariki, we will be exploring the importance of Matariki; looking at myths and legends about Matariki and retelling these myths and legends, painting a picture in the reader’s mind. We will also be developing our Science Fair Test Investigation through our writing up of our investigations.  We will continue to learn about self and peer evaluation, sharing with a buddy to give and receive valuable feedback.  We have been looking at adding description to our sentences creating larger detailed sentences and paragraphs using ‘telescopic sentences’.  
Maths:  Problem Solving Strategies with all numeracy operations will continue to be a focus on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.   Multiplicative Strategies will continue to be a focus on Thursday and Friday.  All students can practise learning their times tables, a great place to do this is the maths is fun website.  Basic Facts should be practiced daily at home.  The following links are great sites for addition and subtraction to 20 and multiplication and division (10x, 5x, 2x and beyond).
Spelling:  Each week students have been reviewing or focusing on a new spelling rule.  Ask them what rule they have been looking at and revise with them.   Please practice current spelling lists and older ones as they must demonstrate use of these words correctly in their writing and in everyday sentences.  Any other essential spelling lists can be found on our blog.  Just a reminder that Spelling City is a great website for the students, this was previously mentioned the beginning of this term and during independent learning.  All students can easily follow the link and access it from their devices, no need to register, just use the spelling test as it appears on the homepage.
Te Ao:  This week we will have a Matariki focus and learn about the significance of this time of the year.
PE:  Focus will continue on winter sports:  rugby, soccer, hockey and netball.  If your child tends to play a lot of sport on the fields during play time, it is advised to send them to school with a spare uniform in case they are too muddy.
Have a great week 11 and an even better July School Holidays,   keep safe and see you back on the 20th July!!!  

Happy birthday to those who have birthdays in the holidays.

Room 20:  Home School Communication:  
Week 10:  22nd June to 26th June

Weekly Reminders:
Did you know that you can check the daily notices from home?  Follow the daily notices link.
TUESDAY:  *ALL library books must be returned to school no new library books will be issued this term, thanks for your help in returning all books.
*house competitions;  only house tees are permitted, please see notices in school newsletter or you can purchase a tee from the PTA for $18, support your house!!!
WEDNESDAY:  walking Wednesday is
THURSDAY:  Y7/8 info evening for students and parents in years4/5/6 to come along and find out what fantastic intermediate opportunities Huapai has to offer for our Year ⅞ students.
FRIDAY:  Jr Kapa Haka 930am;  Jr. choir 10am;  music lessons at designated times;  whole school assembly from 215pm; MUFTI DAY:  gold coin donation to support the SPCA; bring in an extra gold coin or two for a yummy bake sale at morning tea outside Room 10.
Other Important Things to Remember:  
Please ensure your device is charged and at school EVERYDAY, along with headphones for learning.
UNIFORM STANDARDS: (as printed in newsletters):  The parent community voted to bring in a uniform policy about 9 years ago, one of their aims was to have our students presenting themselves in a ‘smart and uniform manner’.  In order to achieve this we need all parents supporting this policy.  
There are four things to note:  
SHOES:  only plain black shoes, no other colour on the shoe as you look at it is acceptable
POLAR FLEECE JUMPERS:  Our students need to take responsibility for their uniform and wear it with pride.  If your child comes to school in a non-uniform jumper or they cannot find theirs, they will be asked to go to the office and the office will help them find a school jumper to wear for the day whilst at school.
HOUSE COLOUR TUESDAY:  due to all sorts of unique clothing items appearing at school, we are informing you that ONLY school House T-Shirts are acceptable on Tuesdays, these can be ordered through the PTA.
JEWELLERY:  no necklaces or bracelets are to be worn;  earrings:  our policy states that only plain studs or sleepers can be worn; children who wear unsuitable earrings will be asked to remove them.
These reminders / changes came into effect Monday 15th June.  If you have any questions or concerns please see Kevin, Barbara or Jilleen.  
ABSENTEES:  please contact the school office by 9am if your child will not be at school that day and advise the office why they are absent.  We have a 24hr absentee phone line which parents can leave a message (4125042) or go to the website and click on the contact us tab where you will find the Absence Form.
WINTER ILLNESS:  If your child is unwell please keep them home, we are spreading illnesses around our classroom.  Also, if your child is getting over a cough or runny nose, it would be greatly appreciated if you would supply them with hand sanitizer and tissues to help prevent the spread of these germs.

Our Learning Environment:
Independent Learning:  Over the past few weeks students have had a more independent learning approach to follow up activities when they have not been involved in lesson workshops.  They have had to manage their learning and be accountable for their progress using a shared document linked to others in the class and the teachers.  This has been a great step for independence and learning for all students.
Inquiry (Forces and Motion):  What makes things go?  Over the past few weeks we have explored the forces which make things go through six rotational science investigation stations.  Students have developed wonderings around these forces and will begin their investigation on their chosen force.  They may ask you for some materials to help in their fair test investigation.
Reading:  Please remember to bring in your ‘read it’ reading logs to be sighted.  Any school journals or readers at home need to be returned please.  Reading this week will focus around Matariki and on the reciprocal reading strategies of:  predicting, clarifying, questioning, summarising, or being the ‘boss’ of the group and leading the reading.
Writing:  With our writing we have been learning to self and peer evaluate, sharing with a buddy to give and receive valuable feedback.  We have been looking at adding description to our sentences creating larger detailed sentences and paragraphs using ‘telescopic sentences’.
Maths:  Problem Solving Strategies with all numeracy operations will continue to be a focus on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.   Multiplicative Strategies will continue to be a focus on Thursday and Friday.  All students can practise learning their times tables, a great place to do this is the maths is fun website.  Basic Facts should be practiced daily at home.  The following links are great sites for addition and subtraction to 20 and multiplication and division (10x, 5x, 2x and beyond).
Spelling:  Each week students have been reviewing or focusing on a new spelling rule.  Ask them what rule they have been looking at and revise with them.   On Friday students’ put their current working on spelling lists into their spelling notebooks, if the notebook was not at school students were sent home with a loose list.  Students will be tested next term on their current working on lists.  Please practice these words at home, other essential spelling lists can be found on our blog.  Just a reminder that Spelling City is a great website for the students, this was previously mentioned the beginning of this term and during independent learning.  All students can easily follow the link and access it from their devices, no need to register, just use the spelling test as it appears on the homepage.
Te Ao:  This week we will have a Matariki focus and learn about the significance of this time of the year.
PE:  Focus will continue on winter sports:  rugby, soccer, hockey and netball.  If your child tends to play a lot of sport on the fields during play time, it is advised to send them to school with a spare uniform in case they are too muddy.
Have a great week 10!!!

Term 2:  Week 9:  15th June to 19th June 2015
Weekly Reminders: 
*Uniform standards:  with winter upon us, uniform standards seem to have dropped.   Please take note of the notice in last weeks newsletter, students wearing non-standard uniform will be asked to have correct uniform.  There are a lot of un-named pieces in lost property!
*Please check your child's hair diligently as we have had a few reported cases of nits over the past few weeks J
*Winter Illness:  winter illness seems to be upon us, any donations of hand sanitizer and tissues would be greatly appreciated  
J  Thanks very much to those of you whom supplied the class with tissues last week, they were well utilised!  J If your child is ill, please can you keep them home to rest, classrooms are a great breeding ground for germs
*Thanks to the parents whom sent in a few wayward pencils last week, we need them!
*Tuesday is house colour day, wear your house tee (only house tees are permitted), remember you can order one from the PTA follow the link on our links page

*this Tuesday will be our second visit to the Life Education Caravan, if you have not paid the activity fee, please follow the aforementioned link to find out more; ask your kids about our visits.
*Walking Wednesday is on every Wednesday morning 8.30am meeting at the domain.
*Friday is the school disco, 530 -830pm, please see last weeks school newsletter for details
*PLEASE remember to charge chrome books at night, it makes the independent learning in room 20 run smoothly.
*school email accounts:  the students' school email accounts are solely for school purposes, family and friends are not to be emailing to these accounts, nor are students to use their accounts to set up other gaming, social media or you tube accounts
*if you have any Jimbo's Pet Food containers with lids, we would love to have them for art supplies.

Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  
We will continue to explore what a fair test is and the steps we need to follow for the scientific method: 
forming a question;
making a hypothesis (predicting what would happen);
steps to take, including the variables (things to keep the same, things to make different);
recording results;
and making conclusions.   
From our wonderings we will be doing fair tests to find out answers to the questions we have posed.  Keep posted, as we will be starting our investigations!
We will also be exploring the various forces which make things go through hands on inquiry rotations.
We are focusing on sentence and paragraph structure, as well as our editing. Editing our work will be a major focus along with our sentence and paragraph structure.
We will be reading a variety of texts to develop our understanding of forces and simple machines.  A new text will come home to be shared with you. Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  Ask them questions to get them to infer meanings within the text.  We would appreciate it if you could be filling in the 'Read It' home reading log. Many students are not bringing this in and we would like to monitor reading more closely.  
Our learning around long and short vowel sounds will continue until  the end of term.  Keep practising essential spelling words at home.  Can you please ensure your child has their small spelling notebook at school for independent learning as we would like to put their new lists inside.
We will continue to test maths knowledge this week.  We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies, with a daily knowledge focus.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Fridays multiplication and division strategies. Please ensure your child keeps practising their basic facts.
Have a great week!  J  Traci and Allisa


Term 2:  Week 8:  8th June to 12th June 2015

Weekly Reminders: 
*Please check your child's hair diligently as we have had a few reported cases of nits over the past few weeks :)
*Winter Illness:  winter illness seems to be upon us, any donations of hand sanitizer and tissues would be greatly appreciated  :)   if your child is ill, please can you keep them home to rest, classrooms are a great breeding ground for germs
*stationery, especially pencils are becoming a greater issue.  If you have noticed any school pencils that have made it home in pockets or bags, please could they be returned, we are running out.
*Tuesday is house colour day, wear your house tee, remember you can order one from the PTA follow the link on our links page
*Walking Wednesday is on every Wednesday morning 8.30am meeting at the domain.
*this Thursday will be our first visit to the Life Education Caravan, if you have not paid the activity fee, please follow the aforementioned link to find out more
*PLEASE remember to charge chrome books at night, it makes the independent learning in room 20 run smoothly.
*school email accounts:  the students' school email accounts are solely for school purposes, family and friends are not to be emailing to these accounts, nor are students to use their accounts to set up other gaming, social media or you tube accounts
*this week we will continue to test maths knowledge
*if you have any Jimbo's Pet Food containers with lids, we would love to have them for art supplies.

Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  
We will continue to explore what a fair test is and the steps we need to follow for the scientific method: 
forming a question;
making a hypothesis (predicting what would happen);
steps to take, including the variables (things to keep the same, things to make different);
recording results;
and making conclusions.   
From our wonderings we will be doing fair tests to find out answers to the questions we have posed.  Keep posted, as we will be starting our investigations!
We are focusing on sentence and paragraph structure, as well as our editing. We will continue to write explanations, looking at key features of this writing genre, as well as using new science vocabulary in our writing.  
We will be reading a variety of texts to develop our understanding of forces and simple machines.  A new text has come home to be shared with you. Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  This week we would appreciate it if you could be filling in the 'Read It' home reading log. Many students are not bringing this in and we would like to monitor reading.  
Our learning around long and short vowel sounds will continue, this week will will focus on the short a as in apple and the long a as in ape.  Keep practising essential spelling words at home.  Can you please ensure your child has their small spelling notebook at school for independent learning as we would like to put their new lists inside.
We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies, with a daily knowledge focus.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Fridays multiplication and division strategies. Please ensure your child keeps practising their basic facts.
Have a great week!

Term 2:  Week 7:  2 June to 5 June

Weekly Reminders: 

*Walking Wednesday is on every Wednesday morning 8.30am meeting at the domain.
*thanks to everyone for remembering to charge chrome books at night, it makes the independent learning in room 20 run smoothly.
*this week we will be testing maths knowledge as well as an easstle writing test.
Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  
We will continue to explore what a fair test is and the steps we need to follow for the scientific method: 
forming a question;
making a hypothesis (predicting what would happen);
steps to take, including the variables (things to keep the same, things to make different);
recording results;
and making conclusions.   
From our wonderings we will be doing fair tests to find out answers to the questions we have posed.  
We will continue to write explanations, looking at key features of this writing genre, as well as using new science vocabulary in our writing.  
We will be reading a variety of texts to develop our understanding of forces and simple machines.  Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  
Our learning around long and short vowel sounds will continue, this week will will focus on the short a as in apple and the long a as in ape.  Keep practising essential spelling words at home.
We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies, with a daily knowledge focus.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Fridays multiplication and division strategies. Please ensure your child keeps practising their basic facts.
Have a great week!

Term 2:  Week 6

Weekly Reminders:

*Four day school week this week
*Friday 29th May is TOD (Teacher Only Day), school will be closed for instruction to students.  During this day all staff will be collectively involved in Professional Development to enhance their classroom practice.  Our focus is on Te Ao Maori (The World of Maori) and how we are fulfilling the requirements of the Treaty and the NZ Curriculum.
*Monday 1st June is Queen's Birthday, making this a four day weekend.  We hope the weather improves and that you can make the most of extra family time.  :)
*Library is on Tuesday.   Please remind your child to bring back their library books weekly. 
*House competitions are every Tuesday at lunchtime, remember your house tee! 
*Walking Wednesday is on every Wednesday morning 8.30am meeting at the domain.
*thanks to everyone for remembering to charge chrome books at night, it makes the independent learning in room 20 run smoothly.
Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  
We will continue to explore what a fair test is and the steps we need to follow for the scientific method: 
forming a question;
making a hypothesis (predicting what would happen);
steps to take, including the variables (things to keep the same, things to make different);
recording results;
and making conclusions.  
We will continue to look at inclined planes and pulleys in order to develop a greater understanding of their usefulness to us.   From our wonderings we will be doing fair tests to find out answers to the questions we have posed.  
We will continue to write explanations, looking at key features of this writing genre.  From this we will be writing explanatory summaries about our experiments.  We will continue to use different types of sentences in our writing i.e. simple, compound and complex, as well as using new science vocabulary when writing.  
We will be reading a variety of texts to develop our understanding of forces and simple machines.  We will be identifying and clarifying new words and facts, developing skimming and scanning skills to find key words and to help summarise texts read.  Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  
Our learning around long and short vowel sounds will continue throughout the term. We will also be learning about contractions (ie. they will = they'll) and conjunctions (ie. and, but, for). Keep practising essential spelling words at home.
Daily knowledge focus, in particular counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 10s and 100s to 1000; 1, 10 or 100 before and after to 1000; doubles and halves to 20; and 2x, 5x, and 10x tables and beyond.  Please ensure your child keeps practising their basic facts.  
We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies, over the past few weeks.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Fridays multiplication and division strategies.  
Have a great week!

Home School Communication Term 2, Week 5

Reminders this week:
Don't forget house colour t-shirts tomorrow for house competition t-shirt day.
Wednesday is walk to school day.
Library is on Tuesdays all students need to remember to to bring their folders.

This week we are continuing our learning around forces and motion.  We will be exploring what a fair test is and the steps we need to follow: forming a question, making a hypothesis,  predicting what would happen, steps to take, variables (things to keep the same, things to make different), recording results and making conclusions. We will also be learning about inclined planes, and what their purpose is.  We will be exploring our own wonderings and will be doing fair tests to find out answers.  
Reading: we will be reading different information about incline planes and learning new vocabulary, identifying key words and facts and finding out about the forces that are happening when an inclined plane is used.
In writing: we will be writing summaries about our experiments.  We will be looking at using different types of sentences when writing i.e. simple, compound and complex and using our new vocabulary when writing.  We will also be starting to write explanations, looking at key features of these.
Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them questions and get them to find and show you the evidence in the text.
Our maths this week will link to our inquiry learning.  At the onset of the week we will be solving problems that relate to inclined planes and we will be using different addition and subtraction strategies to solve these problems, explaining our thinking.  We will be working on multiplication and division strategies later in the week.

Maths: we are also working on knowledge gaps, in particular counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 10s and 100s to 1000, 1, 10 or 100 before and after to 1000, doubles and halves to 20, and 2x, 5x, and 10x tables and beyond.  Please ensure your child keeps practising their basic facts there are many sites mentioned in our home school communication in previous weeks.

Spelling: most of your children have been essential list tested over the last week. Keep practising words from the lists they are working on.  In class we are working on uses of apostrophes firstly in contractions, and then to show possession.  We are also continuing our learning around short and long vowel sounds in words, rules and how to write these sounds.

What a great day we had today at MOTAT!
Thank you so very much to all of the parents who gave up their time to accompany us on our trip, without your help our class trips would not be possible!
Weekly Reminders:
*Thursday school finishes at noon due to Student Led Conferences, if you have not booked in a time to see us please do so following the link supplied on the school newsletters.
*This week is Travel Wise Safety Week, please read the school newsletter to find out more about this.   Wednesday is walk to school day, Friday is Fluoro Day, wear your brightest mufti!!!
*Library is on Tuesdays.   Please remind your child to bring back their library books weekly. We are encouraging the children to choose a chapter book that they can read at home and at school during SSR or independent reading time.
*House competitions are every Tuesday, participation in house events earns a house point. Your child can come in a t-shirt that is their house colour, house t shirts are for sale through the school PTA.  Please ensure students come in their school shorts/skirt (not mufti on the bottom half).
*Many of the independent learning activities we will be working on throughout the term may have sound, with this in mind, we would really like it if your child could please bring headphones to go into their device in order to reduce the noise level and distraction in our learning environment.
*we have included a number of links to various learning websites within our HSC note, please have a look, if you have any questions, just ask.
Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  the following key understandings are what the students will be working towards in their knowledge and understanding of the concept:
Deep Understandings  (What is the big picture learning the children will gain from this unit?)
Forces are all around us and they cause movement in different ways. Carry out a scientific investigation. (Knowledge/Skill)
Thinking like a scientist can help us explain how forces and motion work.  (Key Competency)
Use our understanding of forces and apply it to a meaningful context.  
Demonstrate their understanding about a force (Taking Action)
We have been involved in science rotations with other students from the year 0-4 classes in both Piha and Te Henga teams.  Over the next few weeks we will be exploring forces further, giving the students a deeper understanding of simple machines, levers, gears, pulleys, friction, gravity, flotation and magnetism.  We will use our learning from our MOTAT trip to aide in our wonderings and discovery.
This week we will continue to explore sentence structure and writing powerful sentences based on one of the science forces we have explored.  We will use the information we have gathered through our reading, independent study and our trip to MOTAT.  We will also explore different sentence types (simple, compound and complex) and how to write them effectively.  We will also been to look at writing to describe.
We will be reading a variety of texts to develop our understanding of forces.  Some of these texts will be online, others are literacy information booklets.  We will be clarifying new words, developing skimming and scanning skills to find key words and summarise texts read. Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  We are continuing on with reading testing throughout the term.
Our learning around long and short vowel sounds will continue, along with the rules that apply when writing these sounds. We will also be learning about contractions. Keep practising essential spelling words at home (the link to these are on the homepage of our blog). Remember 'Spelling City' is a great sight to use to help with this.
We are continuing to have a daily knowledge focus .  We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies, over the past few weeks.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Fridays multiplication and division strategies.  Please keep practising basic facts at home both addition and subtraction to 20, and multiplication and division (10x, 5x, and 2x tables and beyond if known).  
Have a great week!

Weekly Reminders:
*Library will continue to be on Tuesdays.   Please remind your child to bring back their folders weekly.  We are encouraging the children to choose a chapter book that they can read at home.
*House competitions are every Tuesday, participation in house events earns a house point.  Your child can come in a t-shirt that is their house colour, but please ensure they come in their school shorts/skirt (not mufti on the bottom half).
*Many of the independent learning activities we will be working on throughout the term may have sound, with this in mind, we would really like it if your child could please bring earplugs or headphones to go into their device in order to reduce the noise level and distraction in our learning environment.
Forces and Motion (What makes things go?)  the following key understandings are what the students will be working towards in their knowledge and understanding pof the concept:
Deep Understandings  (What is the big picture learning the children will gain from this unit?)
Forces are all around us and they cause movement in different ways. Carry out a scientific investigation. (Knowledge/Skill)
Thinking like a scientist can help us explain how forces and motion work.  (Key Competency)
Use our understanding of forces and apply it to a meaningful context.  
Demonstrate their understanding about a force (Taking Action)
Over the past two weeks we have been involved in science rotations with other students from the year 0-4 classes in both Piha and Te Henga teams.  Over the next few weeks we will be exploring forces further, giving the students a deeper understanding of simple machines, levers, gears, pulleys, friction, gravity, flotation and magnetism.  What fun we will have with our wonderings!
This week we will be exploring sentence structure and writing powerful sentences based on one of the science forces we have explored.  We will also explore different sentence types (simple, compound and complex) and how to write them effectively. 
We will be reading texts to develop our understanding of forces.  We will be clarifying new words, developing skimming and scanning skills to find key words and summarise texts read.  Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  
We are continuing our learning around long and short vowel sounds and the rules that apply when writing these sounds.  Keep practising essential spelling words at home (the link to these are on the homepage of our blog). Remember 'Spelling City' is a great sight to use to help with this.
We are continuing to have a daily knowledge focus .  We have been introducing problem solving strategies alongside group strategies.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Friday multiplication and division.  Please keep practising basic facts at home both addition and subtraction to 20, and multiplication and division (10x, 5x, and 2x tables and beyond if known).  
Have a great week!

Home School Communication Week 1&2, Term 2

Welcome back!  We hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and holiday time.

Our library day will continue to be on Tuesdays.  Please remind your child to bring back their folders weekly.  We are encouraging the children to choose one chapter book that they can read for home reading during the week.

Every Tuesday we will be continuing to have house competitions.  Your child can come in a t-shirt that is their house colour, but please ensure they come in their school shorts/skirt (not mufti on the bottom half).

We would really like it if your child could please bring earplugs or headphones to go into their chrome book or device.  This term we will be exploring many sites that have sound, and as different children will be looking at and utilising different sites we would like to reduce the noise level in the room and distraction.  A cheap pair is fine.

Inquiry:  this term our inquiry concept is around Forces and Motion (What makes things go?) and the following key understandings:
Deep Understandings  (What is the big picture learning the children will gain from this unit?)
Forces are all around us and they cause movement in different ways. Carry out a scientific investigation. (Knowledge/Skill)
Thinking like a scientist can help us explain how forces and motion work.  (Key Competency)
Use our understanding of forces and apply it to a meaningful context.  
Demonstrate their understanding about a force (Taking Action)

This week we will be finishing off our culture boxes from term 1.  We will also be involved in a rotation with teachers from yr 1-4 Piha and Te Henga teams to explore and give the students a basic understanding of simple machines, levers, gears, pulleys, friction, gravity, flotation and magnetism.  We are excited!

In writing this week we will be making a comic strip to recount our holiday experiences.  We will also be exploring sentence structure and writing powerful sentences.  Exploring different sentence types and how to write them effectively: simple, compound and complex.

In reading we will be reading texts to develop our understanding of ANZAC day.  We will be clarifying new words, developing skimming and scanning skills to find key words and summarise texts read.
Remember to ensure your child reads at home each night, ask them to give you a summary about what they have read.  

In spelling we are continuing our learning around long and short o sounds in words, we will also be moving on to long and short 3 sounds and the rules that apply when writing these sounds.  Keep practising essential spelling words at home (the link to these are on the homepage of our blog).  Remember spelling city is a great sight to use to help with this.

In maths we will be focusing on using number knowledge and the strategies we know to problem solve.  We will have a daily knowledge focus (needs based).  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies and Thursdays and Friday multiplication and division.
Please keep practising basic facts at home both addition and subtraction to 20, and 10x, 5x, and 2x tables and beyond if known.
Specific knowledge gaps to work on will be given to you at learning conferences in week 4.

Have a great week!

Home School Communication Week 9, Term 1


Library is every Tuesday afternoon, please bring back any overdue library books.

Every Tuesday we will be having house competitions. Students are to come to school with a t-shirt that is in their house colour or better yet the house shirt the PTA sells to support their house. School shorts/skirt must also be worn.
If possible, can each student please bring in a small box (shoebox size) to complete their wonderings for culture and identity tomorrow.  We will be making culture boxes consisting of a collection of facts and artefacts about their wonderings.  We hope to have an early time next term where they can show their findings to you.

Term one has almost finished, 3pm this Thursday.  We wish everyone and safe and Happy Easter and a fun school holidays, see you when we return to school on the 20th April.

The week ahead:

This week some of our essential testing in maths and reading will be taking place, focusing on progressions and next steps for term two.

In our inquiry learning this week, students will be using the facts they have researched from their own wonderings and taking them further.  Each child had selected a culture, and an aspect of that culture that they were interested in.  We will be creating culture boxes with these facts.

In writing students will be completing their narrative using information they have gained about the culture they are interested in i.e. people, setting etc.  They will also continue to be using their knowledge of paragraphing and descriptive writing.

We have been exploring ways to hook the reader when introducing our narrative stories.  Look out for our great story display the beginning of next term.

Reading: this will link with our inquiry research for our culture boxes.  Please return any school readers or journals you have had at home this term. 

Please ensure your child reads nightly.  It would be helpful if you ask them questions about the text and ask them to show evidence when answering these questions.  Students using the reading eggs app, remember to keep going.

Maths: we are continuing our work around place value, and groups of tens, hundreds and thousands in numbers.  We are using our place value knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems.  We have also moved onto rounding and compensating with tens and hundreds. 

Keep reinforcing quick recall of addition facts to 10 and 20.  The school basic facts site is a useful timed progression to challenge quick recall. 

Spelling: keep practising essential spelling list words, these lists have been sent to students on their google docs as well as on the blog.  Here is a link to a great site for entering unknown words and learning them: http://www.spellingcity.com/
Students can enter their words in the spelling test section.

Term Two Dates to Remember:
Monday 20th April 1st day back
Monday 11th May, week 4, MOTAT team trip
Thursday 14th May, week 4, learning conferences, 1250 finish
Friday 3rd July Term two finishes (11 week term)

Home School Communication Week 7, Term 1
If you haven't already please either email back details or send in your Te Henga beach trip permission slip.
Thank you to those parents who have either emailed or sent in information about your family traditions.  If you haven't already please do so.
Every Tuesday we will be having house competitions. Students are to come to school with a t-shirt that is in their house colour and school shorts/skirt.

The week ahead:
This week in our inquiry learning the students will be investigating their own wonderings.  Each children has selected a culture, and an aspect of that culture that they are interested in.  We will be teaching research skills in order for students to find out more about different cultures.  We will be comparing those cultures to our own.

In writing students will be using information they have gained about the culture they are interested in i.e. people, setting etc to write a narrative story.  They will also be using their knowledge of paragraphing and descriptive writing that we have been learning over the last few weeks when writing their narratives.
We will also be exploring ways to hook the reader when introducing our narrative stories.

Reading: we will be continuing our focus on inference and also finding key words and summarising texts read.  This will link with our inquiry research.
Please ensure your child reads nightly.  It would be helpful if you ask them questions about the text and ask them to show evidence when answering these questions.

Maths: we are continuing our work around place value, and groups of tens, hundreds and thousands in numbers.  We are using our place value knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Keep reinforcing quick recall of addition facts to 10 and 20. 

Spelling: keep practicing essential spelling list words.  This site is great for entering unknown words and learning them: http://www.spellingcity.com/
Students can enter their words in the spelling test section.

We will be continuing our learning around short and long vowels.

Home School Communication Week 6, Term 1
Please remind your child to bring their devices daily.  These should be charged each night at home.
All children must have their togs for Friday swimming.
Library day is tomorrow.

Thursday 12 March is our school Tryathlon.  
Yr 3 & 4 Races: 1.45pm - 2.30pm
If your child has never biked or cannot swim they will receive help. “Having a go” is one of our school values. All students who complete the three disciplines (run, bike, swim) will receive a prize and a snack after they cross the finish line!

Children can wear sports mufti in their house colours. Each child needs to bring their own bike and swimming togs.

We are very short of parent helpers so if you are available to help in anyway even if it is not during our race time your help would be greatly appreciated.

Our learning this week:
Spelling - spelling notebooks have gone home again this week.  Your child will also have access to the spelling lists on their google drive.  Any unknown words will be highlighted. They are to practice these regularly.

Reading this week we are continuing our focus around inference and building up our vocabulary knowledge.  Please ensure your child reads each night.  Ask them questions about what they are reading and get them to find clues in the text that help to answer these questions.

Inquiry:  this week we will be exploring culture through our own wonderings.

In our writing we will be looking at bedrooms of children our age in other countries and using descriptive language paragraphs to describe them.  We will then be comparing them to our own, using a double bubble thinking map.

In maths we will be working on our knowledge gaps around place value (hundreds, tens and ones) and continuing our learning about different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Home School Communication Week 5, Term 1

Reminder: library day tomorrow, class swimming on Friday all students should be bringing togs as we have the assistance of a trained instructor.  We are disappointed each week that many children are forgetting to bring them.

Please remind your child to bring their devices daily.  These should be charged each night at home.

Don't forget to come to our our community afternoon this Friday.  You should have received a personal invitation from your child last week.
Could you please email Allisa back to say that you have read about this, and a yes I can come or no I cannot make it by Wednesday.
Here is some more information:
On Friday 6 March our staff and students would like to invite parents and grandparents to come and have lunch with them, visit their rooms and share what they have been doing in their classrooms - as well as have some fun! 

Inquiry: (linking to reading, writing, art and maths)
This week our inquiry learning will focus on the following questions:
What aspects of my own culture can I describe?
What does culture mean to me?
How am I unique?
What can I find out about culture and heritage?

We will be completing our learning on mapping skills, we will be describing where our families are from on maps using positional language and co-ordinates.  We will be showing how we are unique through our art.
We will also be starting to explore our own wonderings about culture through our own investigations and reading.  

We will gain an understanding of what bi-cultural and multi-cultural mean.  We will be making inferences about other cultures, using a think, puzzle, explore thinking routine to start off our own inquiries and to get us wondering.  We will then research to check if our inferences are correct - finding evidence.
We will be making a start on making cultural boxes to show our findings.

We will be writing to describe pictures about other cultures. Making inferences about what we see and using descriptive language to paint a picture in the readers mind.

In maths we will also be continuing our learning around buying ingredients to make our chosen 'kiwi' food.  We will be exploring different ways to use addition to problem solve. We will also be writing equations from word problems and identifying whether we need to add or subtract. Understanding place value and groups of ten, hundreds and beyond will be focus areas.

In spelling we are focusing on short vowel sounds in words and discovering what a noun is and the different types of nouns.  Showing how we can use adjectives, adverbs and verbs to describe them.

In reading we will be continuing our focus on inferencing. We hope to explore some more fun clips to get us thinking, and will be  exploring texts about different cultures where possible.

At home continue to practice quick recall of basic facts, do nightly reading and continue to learn unknown spelling words that went home in spelling notebooks last week.

Home School Communication Week 4, Term 1

Inquiry this week:
We are learning about what culture means.  What New Zealand culture is and our wonderings around culture.
We are looking at kiwiana as a starting point.  We intend to explore our own and others cultures.
We will also be linking this to mapping skills.  Mapping where our families have come from.

We will be starting our exploration around food that may be part of our New Zealand culture.  We will be looking at measurement skills (mass), money, shopping, and problem solving around this.  
We will also be exploring knowledge gaps.
Keep practising your basic facts at home.  Skip counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.  Also multiplication 2x, 5x and 10 x tables and beyond.

We are continuing our learning about inferencing.  Answering questions about the text using prior knowledge and clues (evidence) in the text.
Please ensure that your child reads a book of choice nightly at home.  A school reader will not always go home. Texts will not always be school books or journals, it may be an article or poem that we are reading.

We are continuing our writing to describe using a thinking map to show our ideas and using language features such as: adjectives, adverbs, verbs and similes.  We will be describing different kiwiana, and about influential people in NZ.

We will also be looking at paragraphing, use of topic sentences, giving supporting details and a closing sentence.

This week spelling lists will go home with any words identified that need to be worked on.  In class we will be working on identifying and writing short vowel sounds in words.

Home School Communication Week 3, Term 1

REMINDER: Swimming on Friday, Library day is Tuesday (please see note week 2).

HOMEWORK NEEDED BY WEDNESDAY: re last weeks home school communication.
Please either email me or send with your child this information.
The country they were born.
Parents names and the country where they were born.
Grandparents names (both sides) and the country they were born in (Like a family tree).  
This just needs to be on scrap paper if sending it in.  Thank you to the 2 people that were able to do this already.

The week ahead:
This week in our inquiry we are continuing to explore what identity means, and continuing our learning around our school culture.  We will be exploring which way we learn best 'learning smarts'.  We will also be beginning to explore where we come from.  Our heritage and where we, our parents and grandparents are from.

Reading: this week we will be be linking our learning to identity.
From 2015 we have identified the need to work on inference with our groups.  We are learning to use information in the text to make inferences (read between the lines).    Thinking about: What does it all mean?
We will be looking at what the texts are inferring about different characters. 

Please ensure your child reads each night at home.  Ask your child questions about the book they are reading and to show you where the evidence in the text is.

Writing: we are continuing to write Who am I poems, descriptive writing, and writing about the school values. We will be using thinking maps to plan our ideas and to help with paragraphing.

We will be working on needs based knowledge gaps. 
As part of our inquiry learning we will be mapping where we are from and where our families are from, enlarging maps and making a poster to illustrate this.  
Our key question is: How can we enlarge using maths.
How much bigger will it need to be?  How can we work it out?  This will also link to measurement, using standard and non-standard units and also multiplication and addition strategies (scaling).

You can still use maths buddy at home with your child to practice basic facts.  There is a free section called "Speed Skills" (our students are at Level 1 and 2).  Here is the link.  Just click on the site address and play as a guest:

Traci is continuing to spelling test this week.  Updated lists will go home with your child when this testing is complete.
In spelling we will be learning about homonyms, especially the use of their, there, and they're.

Home School Communication Week 2, Term 1

Hi everyone 
We hope you all had a fantastic long weekend.  The class is working hard at building relationships and getting to know routines.
We have had a great start to the year.

Reminders and things to note:

  • Our library day is Tuesday.  Library bags should be at school.
  • Swimming: our class swimming day is Friday (please ensure togs, a towel and a plastic bag come to school).  We are lucky to have an instructor working with us for some of our swimming sessions.
  • There will also be lunchtime swimming on Wednesday and waterslide on Thursday.
  • On Friday 13 February from 10.15am to 11.00am parents are invited to join their children and teachers here at school for a Whakatau. This is a relaxing ceremony to welcome in a special way, our new children, families and staff. A Whakatau is an occasion that focuses on bringing us all together as one big family and enjoying a successful year together. There will be a few speeches and waiata followed by everyone sharing a morning tea together. To support this occasion we ask that each child provide a small plate of nice food to share. 
Also, it would be great if your child has a device that they bring this daily to school.

Our inquiry concept this term is Identity and Culture.  
Who am I? Who are we?
This week we will be exploring: 

ENGAGE  Tuning In & Finding Out

What is culture?

What is identity?

How are we the same and different?

What aspects of my own culture can I describe?

We will be exploring in different ways how we have an identity, continue our learning about the Treaty of Waitangi and our own class culture, and exploring the school culture through our school vision and values. We will also look at how we learn and whether we learn the same or different - and why is this important.

Your child will have some research to do before Wednesday this week. We will be creating a family tree in class and mapping our heritage. Could your children please find out where you (parents) and their grandparents are from.

Writing this week links directly to our inquiry. We will be exploring writing about our own identities and where we are from. We will look briefly at the poem ‘Where I’m from’ by George Ella Lyon as an example.

We will be looking at the use of vocabulary in our writing to 


We will also be writing about treaties and our school values.

Maths: students will be working on presenting data about our own identities to see similarities and differences.  

Workshops will be taken on different statistical presentations. These are the goals we are working on:

  • collect category data
  • display data in tally charts, uniform pictograms bar charts
  • make statements about data displays
  • answer questions by sorting, organising and arranging information
  • make sensible statements about the information and be able to back up their statements with appropriate displays

We will also continue to practice our basic facts.

Remember to practice your basic facts using our Huapai District school intranet: http://intranet.huapaidistrict.school.nz/


This week we will be exploring the following comprehension skills through our inquiry learning about identity & culture.

  • Ask and answer questions before, during and after reading.
  • Use key words to locate information.
  • Use key words and topic sentences to identify and summarise the main points or ideas.

At home you can get your child to summarise a story to you.  

You may get your child to answer questions, using evidence 

from the text to support their answer.

Your child should be reading every night. At times school 

readers will go home, otherwise an appropriate chapter book 

would be a good read.

Reading mileage and reading at home is very important to 

aid their progress in reading. It reinforces learning at school, 

builds fluency and a love of reading and also helps develop 


The signing READ it book has invaluable ideas for you to 

help your child become a reader. Please refer to this often and sign each night when your child

reads to you – this is a record of your child’s reading mileage 

and we will be checking this.

Use of the reading egg site from last year continues until the

end of February. Students will have passwords from last 

year. This has useful spelling and reading activities and the 

library section of the site is also useful.

Essential Spelling Words:

These will come home next week. This week we will be testing the students to see where their spelling gaps are.
We also will be running needs based spelling sessions.

Have a great week!

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